Wednesday, September 14, 2011


This morning while I was feeding Weston Macie opened the back door for Kirby to go potty. Macie said, "Mom, I touched it." I immediately thought back to when she picked up the snake in the front yard so I asked what she touched. Luckily, it was a Caterpillar. Then I took a look at it and thought it just looked too big to touch so I told her she needed to wait until Daddy got home to touch it again. We scooped it up in a bowl and she has checked on it the entire day. She put soil in the bowl from her garden and then watered it with the hose...hopefully she didn't drown it. Macie wanted to take it in the house. I told her caterpillars don't go in the house. She then said that it could take a bath and she would "wash it with her Dora soap." I grabbed the camera and tried to get her to tell us again but she didn't. I have no idea why she would want to touch this creature or any insect or bug...I try not to act like I don't like bugs and all God's creature and must be doing a good job because she still wants to poke at and touch creatures when she sees them.