Wednesday, December 9, 2009

My Friend

Two are better than one...for if one falls down, his friend can lift him up. Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

My precious friend, Kay, was welcomed home to our Heavenly Father on Monday. I have never know this kind of ache but the ache is worth the 5 special years we shared as friends. For all who knew Kay they knew her for her bubblily personality, her go-getter attitude, and her compassion. She touched and changed so many lives. So many students learned a great deal from this wonderful teacher. She made me feel special and she always reminded about how lucky I was to have such a wonderful husband and family. She listened, shared in my joys and my sorrows, she would put me first...that is just the kind of friend she was. I hope I did all those things for her too. Special doesn't even come close to explaining how much she meant to me or what kind of person she was. Although I wasn't able to help or be with her during this final battle, I prayed and prayed and prayed. God answered my prayer when I asked that he give her peace and comfort. I will always remember my friend, Kay!


Nancy McKinney said...

You are so right about Kay-sweet, kind, and fun. I have many fond memories of our college days and living in Dallas and I will cherish our last shopping spree together. Rachel, after meeting you I can understand why Kay cared so much for you and your family. We will both miss her very much.