Macie preparing Weston's first bath in his tub! Macie is always so enthusiastic about helping.
Weston loved his first bath. He didn't cry at all!
We put Weston in this towel because it was Macie's. I was thinking we could have similar pictures in our bathroom. Macie always goes to this picture in her bathroom and shows us that she was a tiny baby.
Warm and Cozy
These two pictures were out of order but I am leaving it...just wanted to get the blog updated.
Macie started preschool last week. She will be going two days a week. I know she will love the interaction with other children her age. I am very impressed with her teacher. She seems very organized and she just has that "teacher look" which usually means she is great at what she does.
Macie started preschool last week. She will be going two days a week. I know she will love the interaction with other children her age. I am very impressed with her teacher. She seems very organized and she just has that "teacher look" which usually means she is great at what she does.
Zack stayed home with us last Tuesday so he could help with taking Macie to preschool and Weston to the doctor. I think he was secretly afraid that I wouldn't be able to handle dropping Macie off...all the emotion. He had some anxiety about taking Macie which made me feel better. Anyway, we took her to her school and she put her backpack up. She immediately started playing. I couldn't tell her good-bye though because the tears started flowing and probably didn't stop for a good five minutes. The day flew by because we had to take Weston in for his two week check-up which went great...gained all his weight back and then some. Zack and I had lunch and then it was time to go back and get Macie. She looked exhausted but had a great time. She will have to get used to her new schedule. Her teacher said she didn't cry like some of the other children and that she was very busy looking around at everything in the room.
Momma and Macie before I cried like a baby.
Thank Goodness for Daddy! He was such a big help!
I couldn't get Macie to put on her backpack or carry her lunch box but by the second day she was ready to take her things herself.
I am trying to get all his little newborn outfits on him before he outgrows them. The only problem is Weston sweats a lot so he is often in onesies!
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