Friday, April 10, 2009

Macie has had an eventful past couple of days...a big poop and a gigantic spit up. Neither made her cry. Macie hadn't gone to the bathroom in a week so we had to take matters into our own hands. Zack bought the suppositories, Grammy (Zack's Mom) told me to get plenty of diapers, wipes, and a towel, and I took care of "the rest". Within a minute or so the suppository did its job and Macie was 3 pounds lighter. We used several diapers to get through this experience and made it through the unpleasant smell. Yesterday I was feeding Macie and she seems to be eating a ton and for a long time. So I thought it was odd that she was acting full after about 20 min. I started to burp her and heard the cutest little burp...then the explosion came! I couldn't believe that much spit up came out of that one little girl. Grammy jumped up to get a burp cloth and I told her to grab the camera. We needed proof that this much spit up could really happen.


Pamela and Michael Sparks said...

Oh my gosh that's a ton of spit up. We had to give Michael a suppository too. Who knew that much poop could be inside a little being. It was sooooooo gross. I swear we used 5-6 diapers.

Clancey said...

I'm just glad you didn't take any photos of her giant poop and post them. Thanks for that! Lova ya-Clancey

Unknown said...

Oops! I posted about these pictures under the bluebonnets post. Sorry. So cute. I loved taking Faith to the bluebonnets.