Monday, February 13, 2012


Over and over again, I thank God for my family!  Blessed beyond measure is how I feel!
A week ago today, Josh, Lyndsie, and Blake welcomed their newest family member.  Blair Reece was born at 12:39PM.  I actually stood outside the door and heard her first cry which made me cry.  Wow, how precious and how tiny she is especially compared to her 6 month old cousin, Weston. We  are excited to watch her grow and be a part of her life.

 Grammy and Papaw came for a visit on Wednesday and Thursday. We were happy to see them since it has been too long since our last visit.  Macie and Weston were excited to have them here!  Weston is showing off his "Prince Charming" pjs from Grammy.  Yes, he is that....he just smiles which melts your heart and makes you forget if you are having a bad day.
 I try and I try to get Macie to just smile her pretty smile.  She likes to make silly faces way too much but that is ok!

 Zack and his dad are laying by the fire.  I thought this was funny and sweet!  We went to eat at this new restaurant called the HARD EIGHT.  It recently opened and after all our talk of how good it is...we were a little disappointed.  It is still a favorite but I think they need to work out all the little things so we will give them a while before we go back.
 Macie is taking Rosy for a run.  She ran back and forth...great exercise for both of them.  Macie is also showing off her sweet Valentine from Grammy and Papaw!
 Nonnie and Pappy came over for a little Valentine dinner.  Zack got his BIG GREEN EGG and was eager to use it.  We had homemade pizza Friday, chicken Saturday, and ribs on Sunday.  Ribs are romantic and the perfect Valentine meal, right?  Maice got a sweet dress up doll.  She loves these things.  As of now she has three and they are out in her room with all their different clothes all over.
 Weston loved his book.  When he saw the sack he was honestly kicking his legs and acting excited. 
 Macie had her first roasted marshmallows the night before Blair was born.  We have talked about this and read about Curious George doing this so it was fun to finally roast marshmallows.  She ate 5 or more! 
 Cuddle time.
 I was excited that Macie and Blake got to spend Tuesday together while Lyndsie was still at the hospital with Blair.  We had lunch under a tent, jumped on Nonnie's bed, made a Valentine puppet  They had a great time; however, both had to go to time-out once.  The only reason I say this is because when each was in time out at different times they clearly made it known to me that "bad choices" were made by the person in time out.  They are great pals though so hugs were shared and they moved on to their next adventure.