Macie is now in her 8 month of life and I think it is safe to say that Macie loves life and is a very happy baby! She wakes up with a smile and goes to sleep with one too! She has had a rough couple of days with her first tooth coming in. Naptime was a challenge. She just wanted me to hold her in the afternoons and would cry if I put her down. So even though the nap wasn't as long, I held her and loved every minute of it. Guess we will wait to see when the next one pops up. Macie is also rolling all over the place. She rolls from one side in the living room to the other side. She can get around pretty fast when she feels like it. I can't let her at of my sight for too is time to baby proof the house! She also will be in a sitting position and rock herself into a tummy position. I put her on her hands and knees but she isn't quiet ready to crawl yet.
I know, I know! I just found this coat for a really good price at Ross yesterday and was excited to know that Macie will have something to keep her warm when we get out this winter. She is also excited that her new coat matches all her fall and winter outfits! (or is her mommy that one that is excited?!)
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