I treasure the memories I have with my brothers from when we were little and as we grew up. I hope Macie and Weston have just as much fun together throughout life. I think they will.
I think Macie is like her momma...she loves LOVE! She is wearing her love shirt again. I seem to wash it and it is on the very next day... money well spent.
Happy Valentine's Day from our Prince Charming!
Macie's Valentine box for school. She loved her party! When she got home we looked at all her notes, candy, and gifts. She said, "We need to call my friends and thank them."
6 Months Old
Weston went to the doctor! He is a growing boy. He weighed 17.1lbs (38%) and was 29.3 inches (99%)! However, I kind of think the measurements of his height might be off a bit so I might try again to see if it is accurate. If it is, I have another tall one since Macie always seemed to be in the 90th percentile. He had to get more shots but didn't cry as much this time. Oh how it breaks my heart to see tears rolling down his face. Macie was a big help and sang him a song when he was crying. Again she stood on their step stool the entire time helping the nurse and the doctor. She only took a few pictures this time because she was more concerned about when she would get one of her Valentine suckers for being a good girl during the appointment.
Weston is sitting by himself but still falls over every now and then. He reaches constantly for anything he can. Yes, he did grab a pancake of Macie's before I realized it. I panicked and pulled it out of his mouth. He can almost roll over from his back to his belly. He just a little bit more to go. I keep watching and waiting. He is eating three food meals a day along with his milk. He seems to be sleeping fairly well. BUT that little guy has been waking up randomly over the last two weeks at 2, 6, 5, and then sometimes at his normal 7. I think he likes to keep me guessing. He also keeps letting me know that he is different that his sister who was very predictable. That's ok though...I think I will keep him!
So we had a little bit of snow the other day! Macie woke up, put on her warm clothing with her pajamas and kept saying, "I told you it would snow. This is great snow." After a bit she came in and then said, "I need to warm my toes by the fire." As I drove her to school and she saw the rooftops covered with snow she said, "We need a sled to slide down them. We can borrow Grammy's sled." Ok, so no sliding off roof tops but it would be great fun to go sledding. I hope we get a good snow really soon so that we can really play in it.